Tiles on Offer provides stock offers from Heritage Ceramics’ porcelain and ceramic tiles at a fraction of the price from other manufacturer and retailers.
Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, we gathered the excess productions from projects for clearance and also tiles which are typically discontinued for sale.
Our aim at Tiles on Offer is to bring quality tiles at the most affordable prices, just for you.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us with questions or enquires!
Heritage Ceramics
Over 21 years, Heritage Ceramics has incepted and emerged from a trading and sourcing company to becoming a leading company in the design and production of high quality tiles worldwide.
We offer a myraid of tiles from different millions of square meters of residences, offices and commercial space, worldwide.
We aim to provide great value and style for customers, so you can be assured that our curated selection will satisfy your every need and budget.
We also have 4 different brands – Space, Studio, Shape and Guardtec, which ranges from prices and designs to accommodate to all preferences and needs.
Do visit Heritage Ceramics website below for more options from our regular products.